3 Quotes & Sayings By Jameela Jamil

Jameela Jamil is a British actress, writer and activist. She is the founder of the Self-Esteem Team, a nonprofit organization that has been dedicated to raising awareness about body image issues and to providing support for those affected by them. In 2014 she started a body-positive instagram account @curvespoiler where she shares images of women in lingerie. In 2017 she created the sketch comedy show 'So You Think You're Funny' about self-esteem, body image and gender inequality.

We're in a situation where talented, motivated school leavers and graduates can send off a hundred CVs and not get a reply, and where a trip to the Job Centre is depressing rather than inspirational. And you know what, that just feels wrong. Jameela Jamil
If you have time to get your pet rabbit its own Instagram account, you have time to at least tweet about something important. Jameela Jamil